Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Green Malaysia for the Future

With nations recently meeting to discuss a climate change treaty, ahead of the Copenhagen summit in December, I'm reminded that the environment is everyone's responsibility, and that we must all change our mindset to give it greater consideration. We should do this especially as we are custodians for future generations.
New Malaysian initiatives unveiled recently leave me feeling ever optimistic that we are doing more to preserve what we have, in order that our children and their children may enjoy our unique, natural wonders for years to come.

Firstly, under Budget 2010, a fund amounting to RM1.5 billion will be established by the Government to provide soft loans to companies supplying and utilising green technology. The Government is furthermore committed to restructuring the Malaysia Energy Centre as the National Green Technology Centre; organising an international exhibition on green technology next year; developing Putrajaya and Cyberjaya as pioneer townships in green technology; and giving priority to environmentally-friendly products and services.
Another initiative sees the Sabah state government partnering with WWF-Malaysia to conserve large tracts of forest to protect the habitat of endangered orangutans. The area targeted for restoration amounts to nearly 1,500 football pitches in size.
Thirdly, there is the National Tiger Action Plan, adopted by the National Biodiversity-Biotechnology Council. The plan targets an increase in Malaysia’s tiger population from fewer than 500 to 1,000 by 2020. The setting up of a National Biodiversity Centre was also agreed, to further strengthen the management and conservation of biodiversity in Malaysia.
We should not stop at these measures. I would like to obtain your views on what more we can do to ensure a greener Malaysia, so that we can learn from each other. How are you reducing your carbon footprint? Please share your thoughts by submitting a comment. You might also be interested in following the blog of Datuk Peter Chin Fah Kui, the Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water, for his thoughts and opinions on green matters.

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